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You don't need to be an advanced diver to take the PADI Advanced Open Water Course and enjoy incredible diving in Melbourne. PADI Advanced Open Water Course is your chance to develop your dive skills and experiment with new types of diving – it’s exciting and there are a lot of awesome dives to choose from. Imagine diving a shipwreck, or diving to 30 meters or even mastering the art of drift diving. It’s all possible when you are diving Melbourne and our surrounding area. During your Advanced Course you’ll make 5 incredible dives (two mandatory and three optional), which include 3 shore dives and 2 boat dives as we make a trip to dive Portsea.

Are you missing being a diver during lockdown? We are too!! Being on lockdown doesn’t mean that you need to completely disconnect from your love of diving though – here are some ways to stay involved in diving, and even develop your dive skills, from home…Have you always thought about taking your next level of PADI Course or wanted to take a specialty but never found the time or didn’t want to commit your time to studying? Well, there is no time like the present to get started and get the theory out of the way without even leaving home. If you are looking for something to do on lockdown then this could be the solution! PADI eLearning takes care of the knowledge development component of your PADI course and by taking it at home, you can work through it at your own pace