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水肺潜水是一种探索水下世界的方式,而且不需要从水面获取空气供应。背上气瓶,就可以在水中遨游。气瓶里的空气与我们在水面上呼吸的空气完全一样,含有21%的氧气和79%的氮气,只不过它被压缩到气瓶里。这样你就可以在水中也能正常呼吸,就像在陆地上一样。PADI 潜水证书一共分为9个等级,Open water (OW)是潜水的入门等级,进入潜水殿堂的必考等级。因此您的潜水之旅将从获得OW证书开始。PADI开放水域潜水员课程包含了理论知识学习,平静水域训练(泳池)和开放水域潜水(海水)。整个课程包含一个晚上和两个周末,共4天半时间。开放水域训练分为岸潜和船潜两个部分,您将在菲利普港湾内欣赏缤纷的海底世界。Ocean Divers作为PADI五星教练发展中心,一直以来致力于培训专业优秀的潜水员,同时提供中文和英文的潜水课程,并为顾客提供最全面贴心的服务。

Are you interested in the latest release of "The Little Mermaid" movie? When you see Ariel in the film, have you ever imagined yourself enrolling in a mermaid course, becoming a real mermaid one day, and embarking on underwater adventures? Ocean Divers PADI Mermaid Instructor Gloria What is mermaid diving? Some individuals hold the misconception that mermaid diving is

Do you dream of learning to dive? Take the PADI Open Water Course with us in Melbourne and get scuba certified for life! The PADI Open Water Course is the first level of diving certificate. You’ll learn how to become a safe, competent and confident diver and you’ll be certified to dive to a maximum depth

Are you considering a career break or change of direction after COVID? Here's why it might be the ideal time to dive into a career in the diving industry. Whenever events take place which affect our working lives, salary or general security, it often makes us consider where we are in life, what we are doing and

You don't need to be an advanced diver to take the PADI Advanced Open Water Course and enjoy incredible diving in Melbourne. PADI Advanced Open Water Course is your chance to develop your dive skills and experiment with new types of diving – it’s exciting and there are a lot of awesome dives to choose from. Imagine diving

Are you missing being a diver during lockdown? We are too!! Being on lockdown doesn’t mean that you need to completely disconnect from your love of diving though – here are some ways to stay involved in diving, and even develop your dive skills, from home…Have you always thought about taking your next level of PADI