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Scuba Diving Health

Fortunately, these venomous marine creatures typically won't initiate attacks. Their actions are largely rooted in passive defense, often arising from feeling threatened by the presence of divers. Consequently, it's imperative to exercise vigilance when encountering them. Avoid pursuing, making physical contact with, or inadvertently stepping on them. Maintaining a safe distance is key to ensuring your

Being skilled at breathing and managing air consumption is a sign of an experienced diver. Many factors can affect how much air we use underwater, and it varies from person to person. Mastering optimal air consumption is a journey filled with practice and perseverance. Embrace the occasional setbacks with a smile, for failure is our

Recommendation 1: Choose a wetsuit of appropriate thickness Selecting the appropriate thickness of wetsuit is a crucial step in cold-water diving, as it will help you stay comfortable and warm underwater. When diving in Melbourne during winter, due to the lower water temperatures, it is generally recommended to choose a wetsuit with a thickness of 7 mm or

Dive your way to a healthier you! When most people think about scuba diving they picture vibrant coral reefs, sea turtles and colourful reef fish and although these are definite reasons to go diving, they are not all that diving has to offer. Did you know that scuba diving has a multitude of positive health effects? Some