Store History
Ocean Divers was first registered as a business in 1972. The first shop opened in East Bentleigh (237 East Boundary Road) and offered retail sales and training. The business was sold in 1985 and underwent a number of changes. Becoming a PADI Instructor Development Centre, with two PADI Course Directors, at the time on staff full time allowed Ocean Divers to train it’s own and other shops candidates to be Instructors, keeping the highest standards. Training incorporated a move to expand diver skills by teaching Cave Diving, through the CDAA and Technical Diving Courses. Dive Travel became a large part of the business, working through accredited Travel Agents has meant the number of trips (up to 10 a year) can cater for all levels of diver training and comfort. Whether it’s a live-aboard boat or a simple backpacker style, 3-5 star trips are run all year round, with opportunities for divers and non-divers alike, all over the world.

Beginning with one shop at it’s original site, in East Bentleigh it grew to three buildings, but as business continued to grow a larger, more efficient site was needed. Ocean Divers moved to the current location in 2016. A factory for its size and with its own parking was chosen, this required all sorts of permits regarding parking and retailing, but this was overcome and allowed the building to be fitted out and purpose built for retail sales, diver training, regulator servicing and tank testing. A wash up and drying area with bbq, allows students and club members to clean up their equipment before going home after a dive, where they may not have the facility to do so. Air and Nitrox (32%) is kept in storage and special mixes can be filled in suitable cylinders with proper qualifications.
The business has continued to expand and is now the biggest outlet for premier brands such as Scubapro and Santi and also stockists of Shearwater, Halcyon, Cressi, Fourth Element and other manufacturers. Purchased in 2018 by the current owner and still employing the same staff, the business now caters for overseas clients as well as the local market. With a very large dive club and now the oldest dive shop in the State, Ocean Divers continues to lead the field in the SCUBA Diving world.